MOR is a land trust

Community land trusts – or CLTs – are democratic, non profit organisations that own and develop land for the benefit of the community.

They typically provide affordable homes, community gardens, civic buildings, pubs, shops, shared workspace, energy schemes and conservation landscapes.

Run by ordinary people. They are community organisations run by ordinary people who want to make a difference to their local community, putting control of assets into the hands of local people. They can be set up by the community or a landowner, developer or council.

Protecting community assets forever. They ensure that their homes are permanently and genuinely affordable. CLTs act as long-term stewards of land and the assets on it. They ensure that it is put to the benefit of the local community, not just for now but for every future occupier.

A world wide movement. Started in the USA, CLTs are now a worldwide movement. In both urban and rural areas, CLTs are a key part of the future of land, affordable housing and community facilities.



MOR Land Trust is in the process of becoming a legally recognised entity. We expect this process to be completed by the end of March 2022. Our journey began in September 2021 when a group of local residents from Hayle, St Erth, Lelant, Carbis Bay, Towednack and St Ives met to tackle the issue of low cost homes and places of work locally.

Our friends at AMBOS in Falmouth, introduced us to Resonance, a social impact investment company. Resonance have provided MOR with advice and support and a loan of £10,000 to help us incorporate and grow. Resonance have their HQ in Cornwall but work nationally

Become a member

Becoming a member of MOR Land Trust is a good way to support the issues we seek to tackle. Membership is open to people aged 16 or over who support the aims of the group. We have a simple online form and membership is sealed with £1.

We are incorporating the group with 20 founding members but in the years ahead we would like to grow our membership widely. Everything we do is informed by our members and the needs of the communities they represent.

As soon as we are fully incorporated you will be able to join us by clicking THIS LINK.

Our founding 20 members

Hayley Temby, Stephen Horscroft, Caroline Holland-Lloyd, Sue Henley, Catherine Hayes, Lauren Sebastian, Graham Emes, Victoria Cloete, Jo Howard, Steve Gowland, Taylor Gowland, Doremi Hayward Vaardal, Harriet Bosnell, Sam Chown, Steve Cross, Alan Doyle, Kelly Moffitt, Sarah Stevens, Nicola Faris-Wilson and Rachael Gaunt.