
Homes and places to work from in West Cornwall are hard to find for families and individuals of modest means. The towns and villages within the Hayle and St Ives Community Network Area have a limited supply of low cost homes and workspaces. Competing demands for hospitality / holiday use together with high levels of landscape protection beyond our settlement boundaries make it really hard to create low cost homes and workspaces.

Land Trusts can complement public sector providers of low cost homes and workspaces by helping communities deliver grass roots projects that respond to local need. The land trust movement is growing and we would like to enable 100 new spaces locally over the next 10 years. We are inspired by groups like St Ives Community Land Trust https://www.stivesclt.org.uk and Ambos https://www.ambos.org.uk and feel that an active and collaborative network of land trusts in Cornwall will help create projects that would not otherwise exist.